Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Module 3 Outcomes and Obectives

    1. Introduction

    2. With Whom do we Build Relationships?

    3. Why Partnerships?

    4. Partnership Dynamics

    5. The Charter for Change

    6. Building Successful Partnerships: Looking at things from others' perspectives

    7. REFLECTION SPOTLIGHT: Looking at things from others’ perspectives

    8. KNOWLEDGE CHECK! Building strong partnerships

    9. Wrap up: Partnerships

    1. Knowledge Gap Resources

    2. Ensuring a Principled and Quality Response

    3. Foundational Knowledge: Humanitarian Principles and their Role in Decision Making During Crisis Response

    4. Applying the Humanitarian Principles

    5. Exercise: Identifying the Humanitarian Principles

    6. Humanitarian Principles in Leadership Challenges

    7. REFLECTION SPOTLIGHT: Humanitarian Principles in Practice

    8. The Core Humanitarian Standard (CHS)

    9. Technical Standards and Cross Cutting Issues

    10. Prevention from Sexual Exploitation & Abuse (PSEA)

    11. What to Do With a Suspected PSEAH Case?

    12. Importance of Response Principles and Standards

    13. KNOWLEDGE CHECK! Principles and Standards

    1. Foundational Knowledge: Project Cycle Management

    2. What is Situation Analysis?

    3. Points of Engagement

    4. Situation Analysis: Leadership Theory to Practice

    5. REFLECTION SPOTLIGHT: Needs Assessment, Leadership Behaviours & Action-Centre Leadership

    1. Foundational Knowledge: Cluster System and Disaster Cycle Management

    2. Response Strategy - The Challenge

    3. Points of Engagement

    4. Reflection Activity

    5. Linking Humanitarian and Development Goals: The Nexus Approach

    6. REFLECTION SPOTLIGHT: Response Strategy

    7. Drawing from Experience: the Importance of Learning from Others

    8. Developing a Response Strategy

    9. The Adaptive Strategy Approach

    10. Additional Resources - Developing a Response Strategy

    1. Introduction

    2. Foundational Knowledge: Donor Funding Structures & Crisis Response Funding Trends

    3. Foundational Knowledge: Donor Mapping and Engagement

    4. Foundational Knowledge: Tips for Donor Mapping and Engagement

    5. Strategies for Successfully Resourcing a Response

    6. Points of Engagement: Resourcing the Response

    7. Linking Theory to Practice: Resourcing the Response

    8. KNOWLEDGE CHECK! Resourcing the Response

About this course

  • The Crisis Leadership Program is a learning opportunity designed to strengthen the leadership skills of those providing frontline assistance in crisis situations.
  • Participatory and action-focused, CLP Grow provides participants with tools and techniques to strengthen leadership skills, and insights to deepen understanding of the disaster response system, and how to navigate and influence it. The course is delivered online through group sessions, masterclasses and self-directed learning with an intensive, face-to-face workshop in selected locations in Türkiye.
  • This course has been developed by the Centre for Humanitarian Leadership (CHL), drawing from the technical inputs of those working in crisis and emergency response, globally, as well as those responding to the earthquake crisis in Türkiye and Syria.

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