Welcome to Centre for Humanitarian Leadership's Short Courses!
CHL specialises in delivering quality leadership training, specific to humanitarian and crisis contexts.
The Centre for Humanitarian Leadership is an innovative collaboration between Deakin University and Save the Children Australia that combines quality practice with academic rigour.
We are transforming humanitarian leaders and influencing how organisations, and the system, respond to the increasingly complex global context.
We champion humanitarian action that centres the agency of communities affected by crises, respects diverse perspectives, elevates local actors, and furthers social justice.
Since 2011, the Centre has transformed the leadership skills of hundreds of people working in disaster and crisis response through its flagship Humanitarian Leadership Program (HLP), the Graduate Certificate of Humanitarian Leadership and French language Diplôme d’Études Supérieures de Leadership Humanitaire (DESLH), delivered in partnership with Deakin University, based in Melbourne, Australia.
The result is a rich community of leaders dedicated to teaching, understanding, analysing, demonstrating, interrogating, and constantly refining what it means to be an effective humanitarian leader.
For more information on what CHL offers across education, research and upcoming events visit our website.
The Crisis Leadership Program is a new learning opportunity designed to strengthen the leadership skills of those providing frontline assistance in humanitarian and crisis contexts.
The Crisis Leadership Program is a new learning opportunity designed to strengthen the leadership skills of those providing frontline assistance in humanitarian and crisis contexts.
The Crisis Leadership Program is a new learning opportunity designed to strengthen the leadership skills of those providing frontline assistance in humanitarian and crisis contexts.
The Crisis Leadership Program is a new learning opportunity designed to strengthen the leadership skills of those providing frontline assistance in humanitarian and crisis contexts.
The Crisis Leadership Program is a new learning opportunity designed to strengthen the leadership skills of those providing frontline assistance in humanitarian and crisis contexts.
The Crisis Leadership Program is a new learning opportunity designed to strengthen the leadership skills of those providing frontline assistance in humanitarian and crisis contexts.
The Crisis Leadership Program is a new learning opportunity designed to strengthen the leadership skills of those providing frontline assistance in humanitarian and crisis contexts.
The Crisis Leadership Program is a new learning opportunity designed to strengthen the leadership skills of those providing frontline assistance in humanitarian and crisis contexts.
The Crisis Leadership Program is a new learning opportunity designed to strengthen the leadership skills of those providing frontline assistance in humanitarian and crisis contexts.
Le CLP Seed est un cours de courte durée destiné aux personnes qui travaillent pour la première fois dans un contexte de conflit, de catastrophe ou de crise. Ce cours vous intéresse ? Envoyez-nous un courriel à [email protected]
As an aid and development professional, you have to make critical decisions despite many uncertainties. Scenarios can help you answer some of these questions.
The Crisis Leadership Program – Seed is a new learning opportunity designed to strengthen the leadership skills of those providing frontline assistance in the Ukraine crisis.
Kurs przywództwa kryzysowego to nowy program szkoleniowy, którego celem jest rozwinięcie umiejętności przywódczych osób udzielających pomocy na pierwszej linii w odpowiedzi na kryzys w Ukrainie.
Програма кризового лідерства — новий навчальний курс, спрямований на розвиток лідерських якостей людей, що безпосередньо беруть участь у наданні допомоги постраждалим від кризи в Україні.
This eight-week blended learning course allows you to develop your leadership capacities to work more effectively in a crisis and also engage and enable others to thrive in crisis response work.
Our methodologies and curriculum transcend a traditional understanding of ‘humanitarian leadership’.
We work with a range of partners to develop and deliver bespoke leadership development courses to enhance the skills of humanitarian practitioners and frontline responders.
We utilise our pool of expert facilitators from around the world who have extensive experience in humanitarian response, leadership development, and mentoring and coaching, to create the best possible experience for course participants.
Our course participants can navigate domestic and international emergencies, the impacts of climate change and volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous contexts.
The Centre for Humanitarian Leadership proudly delivers online courses in partnership with the following organisations: